She comes back with she is not looking to get serious either just wants to have fun, both in and out of bed, wants to see if they are decent guys out there(I like to think I am one), and not be tied down by commitments having just gotten out of a not so great marriage. OK so sounds like we are on the same sheets of music.
So we go on a couple dates things are kind of fun, getting home from dates is pretty fun too, she has a couple habits that I find annoying and know that long term would drive me INSANE. I emphasize several times that I am not interested in long term, by asking questions about other guys she is dating, if she thinks any of them will get serious, subtly dropping hint that I wasnt able to hang out Sunday night.
So she calls me up on a Wednesday and asks what I am doing on Friday and can I come over for a date/board games night at her house on Friday since her friend from out of town is visiting. I raise an eyebrow but hey that is that, likely the friend will just stay at her house we will head to my house and she will wake up early to make her house guest(who would be alone that night) breakfast. Works fine for me.
Well, the evening they had planned was more like a "dear penthouse forum" letter, in actuality she wanted the friend to participate, and the friend wanted to participate. Since I had no commitments to the relationship (previously stated), either of the women, and a particularly loud shoulder devil I was also fine with things. So things are well into round 2, when the gal who lives in my town up and goes "AGHH I can't do this:" freaks out and leaves. The gal from out of town says, "Well that kinda ruins the fun", and well that was the end of that.
So if you are going to host an orgy, have rules before, and don't change them half way through, it is really unkind to the participants.
Women are strange.
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